Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I Win Again!

I found out yesterday that my script Andromache won the BEA Media Arts Festival Student Scriptwriting Award. That gives Andromache three first place awards. Nice. They want me to head to Las Vegas in April for the ceremony and I'm actually looking into it this time!

And here's a random scene from daily life -- proof that you have to live an insane existence to keep the creativity sharp. Or not.

And yes, we really do run and hide from the mailman.

Mackenzie's Momma -- Agh! Your library doesn't have it? :( Well, since it's older, maybe it will be on TV sometime soon. And thanks for the article! My mom and I are definitely interested and looking to see what we have in our area. :)


Mackenzies Momma said...

Congratulations on your win!!! That is sooo cool!

Your welcome on the article. I was really shocked to find it. I still don't know final attendance numbers(we have our last 'senior staff' meeting tomorrow night to wrap up everything and do our debriefings on the event) but will be curious to see what they were.

the other amanda said...

Yay Moony! You win again! :D I'm SO proud of you, sweets! Speaking of sweets...I may send you some in honor of your epic win :] Now, miss, if you DON'T go to Vegas, I will personally hand your address over to Keller so she can get in cahoots with the mailman to torture you... Shash, you are GOING to Las Vegas! *shakes fist*

Anonymous said...

Congrats! That's Awesome. I wish I could acces your video's at work though but sadly they're blocked.